Иран - Супер Лига


The Iranian Volleyball Super League (IVSL) is a professional volleyball league in Iran at the top of the Iranian volleyball league system. It was founded in 1975 as the Pasargad Cup, but after the Iranian Revolution it was renamed to the first Division. In 1997 the league system was revamped, and the Iranian Super League was established.


The first season of a national Iranian volleyball league was held in 1975 with 12 teams competing. In 1979 due to the Iranian Revolution the league was canceled.

In 1989, the first Hazfi Cup for Iranian volleyball teams was held. During this period there was no national league and teams competed in the provincial and local leagues instead.

Shortly after the Hazfi Cup, in 1990 the national volleyball league of Iran was restarted by the Iranian Volleyball Federation with 10 teams competing and was called the Fajr Cup. In 2010 the format of the league was changed and 12 teams competed in the league, which was later increased to 14 shortly after and the name was also changed to the Iranian Volleyball Super League or the Iranian Volleyball Premier League.

**Иранска Суперлига по волейбол**

Иранската Суперлига по волейбол е най-високото професионално ниво в иранския волейбол. Създадена през 1975 г., лигата е съставена от 14 отбора, които се състезават в редовен сезон и плейофи.

Най-успешният отбор в лигата е Пайкан Техеран, който е печелил титлата 12 пъти. Други водещи отбори включват Калех Мазандаран, Матата Тийм и Фоулад Сирджан Иран.

Иранската Суперлига е известна със своята конкурентна и вълнуваща игра. Отборите са съставени от най-добрите волейболисти в Иран, както и от чуждестранни играчи.

Мачовете от лигата се провеждат в различни градове из Иран и се радват на голяма популярност сред феновете. Иранската Суперлига е не само важно спортно събитие, но и източник на национална гордост за Иран.